Tuesday 30 September 2014

Wedding Day Setting Up Planning Tips - Wedding Photographer in Gauteng (www.solodeogloriaphotography.com)

Dear Do-It-Yourself Bride,
Planning a wedding on your own can be stressful and there really will be at least a couple of things that might fall through the cracks if you don't plan ahead. So today's tip is perfect for helping you plan for the details of your wedding day set up.

First things first, we all know one of the reasons your a "do it your self" bride is for the obvious reason, that you like to do it your self, but you need to accept that on this day, your best friend will the word "Delegate". You will not be able to do everything to make your perfect vision of your wedding day right without asking for help, hens Bridesmaids & Family. But because you have a very specific vision of what needs to happen and what needs to go where I have come up with the following tips to get that vision in place without having to do it your self, with the hair stylist and make up artist chasing you around the venue. 

Before you get started with the detailed planning, make a time line of the wedding day that you have discussed with your vendors and bridal party. Make the time line in at least 1 hour intervals. Then send this time line to the vendors and bridal party. This way everyone will know, where to be at what times, and will know where you and your partner will be.

Wedding Day Set Up Tips:
Reception Set Up:
  • Have a clear vision of what the reception hall should look like at least 2 - 3 weeks before the wedding day. Draw out a layout of the reception hall and where you want every table to stand. Take this diagram and print it on a A3 or A2 size to post up on the reception door while setting up is taking place. Then everyone, even the venue staff will know where everything should go.

            * Cake Table
        * DJ Table
               * Studio Booth
            * Gifts Table
                            * Welcome Drinks Table
                        * Seating Chart Table
                * Guests Tables
             * Bridal Table
                       * Dance Floor Space
                           * Couple Entrance Door
  • Design your table layout with everything in it's place on a table at home and take a picture of what it should look like. Do this in detail, from name tag, plate arrangement, even the decor of the chairs. These photos will be the key to helping the people your trusting to help you set up, to get it right. 
  • You then pack a box of decor for each reception table. Everything from the specially designed napkins, name settings, table cloths, center pieces, and candles go in the box allocated to that one table. Number the box to the table number that will be given. Do the same with the cake table, the gifts table, and the welcome table. Stick the pictures you took of the table set up to the lid of the inside of each box along with a detailed list of any extra things that will not be in the box, such as fresh flowers.

Chapel Set Up:
  • Make a set up box for the following:

                  * Flower Table
                   * Signing Table
          * Podium
                                      * Aisle Decor / Chapel Doors
                * Chair backs
                    * Confetti Table 
  • Take the same decor planning photos of your chapel decor and make a detailed to do list.
  • Make the same type of setting up boxes, adding your design photos and to do list to each box. 

Main To Do List Items:
Make a To Do List Book, allocating the list of things to be done between the bridal party and family who will be helping set up. Make a heading with each person's name, with the list of things they need to get done. Also add a check box to each item, so everything can be checked off as its done. Put this book either next to the reception hall diagram or give it to your maid of honor to be responsible for. This way anyone can go check what they need to get done, without asking you every 5 minutes. 

This might seem like a lot of planning and work to do to get ready for your wedding day, but this will make sure you have less stress on your wedding day and you can enjoy the day without having to do every thing yourself. Nothing is perfect, and something will go wrong or be out of place no matter how hard you plan, but just accept that it might and that this day is about so much more than the decor. It's about you and your partner making a promise for the rest of your life, and the people who love you, celebrating that day with you. Remember, planning the wedding is part of the wedding experience so enjoy it and don't allow it to distract you and stress you out. 

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